Thursday 17 April 2014

computer problems /summerizing your wood stove

Just to let you all know I experiencing computer problems with Windows XP shutdown. I may be offline for a few days beginning Thurs. April 24  when I take my laptop in for an upgrade. If I'm not responding to your emails please, phone 250-333-8885 and please leave a message if I'm outside (which is most of the time).

Regarding stove maintenance, with the weather warming and the possibility of less wood burning it is an opportune time time to do a major clean out of your cook stove / heater. Clean out all ashes and soot. Last year I purchased an ash vacumn from Home Hardware for about $60. With the addition of a package of hose adaptors from LeeValley Tools, the monthly maintenance has become simple and quick.
Ashes left in the stove will attract moisture and cause corrosion and rusting. A teaspoon of those ashes mixed with just enough water to make a paste will effortlessly clean all the nickle trim. Polish the top of the stove with a lightly oiled rag or, if it (the stovetop)  is warm a wax candle and rag will put a protective shine to it.
Empty and remove any kettles from the stovetop and open all drafts and dampers for the summer months.
Remember to clean the chimney and inspect everything before fall.

Please feel free to send your comment and questions.

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